#STRShareSunday: Lakeview Lodge NY

Oct 08, 2023

It’s time for #strsharesunday! Today we are sharing Lakeview Lodge NY! 😍

This property is near and dear to our hearts, because the lovely Cherisse is the host. Cherisse is a GO GETTER. She joined our membership when she first opened up her first rental, and she devoured all the content. She showed up to every call, and took full advantage of all the lessons in the course. And now, this is her second property!

This family family property is right on the water and she does an amazing job highlighting everything you can do at her property, and taking you through all the seasons so potential guests know they can visit year round! Her use of color and design is great, and she and puts her personality into her properties. It's a joy to know her and we know it would be a joy to stay in one of her places!

We're so proud of how Cherisse got started and took action. We were here for the first property, and we're continuing to support her in this second one. Go Cherisse!

Lakeview Lodge NY on Instagram

Lakeview Lodge NY on AirBnB

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