#STR Share Sunday: Lucky Bend Lookout

Jan 01, 2023

It's time for our first #strsharesunday of 2023! Today we are sharing Lucky Bend Lookout 😍

This week we're paying homage to a host that has been at it for 10 years! When you go to her book direct site, she has a facebook messenger chat that pops up right away. Whether a potential guest decides to utilize it or not, it makes someone know she is attentive and ready to communicate.

Next, and this blew our mind, her website has a popup that offers a free gift, where you can enter your email to get a free map of the best Sonoma County wineries. Sarah is a blogger who writes about Sonoma County and she highlights family trips on her blog, so she's really taken her blogging perspective and married that with her short-term rental.

We love how she weaves what there is to do in her community with her short-term rental! Sarah is chock full of content, so go give her some love on her instagram!

Lucky Bend Lookout on Instagram


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