97 | Short-Term Rentals are Not Just About Heads in Beds

Jan 21, 2021

 Excuse us while we get on our soapbox: We are so anti heads-in-beds. We are not about getting as many people into a space as possible to make as much money as possible.

We’ve consulted on properties before where it’s clear the goal of the owner is just to get people in, give them a place to sleep, and make some money—and we’ve had to get brutally honest about what they need to do to remain competitive.

Whether you’re hosting a property yourself or helping to manage someone else’s, there are definitely some things that are non-negotiable. Would you stay at your own property on a weekend getaway? If not, why? And why would someone pay your rate instead of something offered at a lower price? You have to understand what you need to offer to demand a top-dollar rental fee. You have to think about the location, the interior condition, and the quality of the furnishings. All of this is going to impact the impressions of the people who stay — and what they’re willing to pay.

We want to up-level what it means to be a part of the short-term rental industry. The better the experience across the board, the better the occupancy rates for everyone and the more trusted the industry will be overall.




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