92 | Remote Hosting, Real Estate, & House Hacking | with Zeona McIntyre

Dec 17, 2020

Are short term rentals the quickest way to financial independence?

We’ve been fangirls of Zeona McIntyre for a while. She’s been an Airbnb host since 2012, and after eight years of being a property manager and consultant, she’s transitioned into selling real estate to investors looking to “house hack.” She owns seven homes and manages 15 on a short- to medium-term basis.

We were interested to hear how she began to host remotely, as this is something many people are interested in but are scared to get started. Hosting remotely, it turns out, is actually not that different from being a local host. The most important thing is to have a reliable cleaning team and handyman that you can get in contact with whenever necessary.

When problems do crop up, it can be scary. Not being there to respond can make you feel helpless. You just have to be creative about your problem-solving, because you aren’t going to be able to do it yourself if somebody falls through.

She also talks about diving into real estate investing, how her career and goals have shifted, how she became financially independent in just over two years, and her pointers for a brand-new host.


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