78 | What to Consider When Hosting Photo Shoots in Your Rental

Sep 03, 2020


You may have entered this business with short-term rentals in mind, but there are SO many ways to make money off of your property. Why limit yourself to just one?

In our last episode with Brett and Ashley Nobles, we talked all about location rentals, and we want to revisit the topic a bit. If you are just charging your nightly rate for a location rental, you are leaving a lot of money on the table—and opening yourself up to some serious liability. Let’s walk through some of the things you need to consider when hosting photo shoots, video, or corporate meetings at your location.

When photographers or videographers are using your space, they are likely to be using it in a way you had not intended. For instance, if they need to move furniture: Is that okay? Who is responsible for moving it, for moving it back, and cleaning it? Is this something you need to charge extra for?

Get clarity on what types of photoshoots are taking place in your property. Some photography requires props for effect and you want to make sure you and your renter are prepared for all that entails. Clear anything that may need to be used and include extra cleanup charges if anything is left in poor shape.

You also need to make sure to be clear about what parts of the property are available to them. If you need special permissions to shoot outside, on the roof, etc, then let the photographer know ahead of time. And if you have neighbors who may see what is going on and have questions, it can be good to prepare them so they don’t cause issues.

Location rentals are a new field for many of us, and there’s a lot to think about that differs from your typical short term rental. If you’re interested in this model, be sure to check out Brett and Ashley Noble’s Your Income Space courses in the resources below.




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