58 | Airbnb Gets Back to Its Roots: Resources for Hosts during the Pandemic

Apr 09, 2020


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We are dealing with a virus that has taken the world by storm. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been alive, there hasn’t been anything quite like this in living memory.

Not long ago, we talked about how you should handle cancellations. But since then,, Airbnb announced that they would honor any cancellations related to the virus and give a full refund, regardless of a host’s policy. This upset many hosts, but we think it will help them in the long run — you will only get guests in the future if they trust the Airbnb platform.

That said, Airbnb does see that hosts are hurting. Below, we have linked to some resources Airbnb has supplied to give their hosts some support. They are giving money back to any host that has had COVID-related cancellations, offering additional support for superhosts, and allowing guests to donate to hosts.

The short term rental market is going to bounce back. When this is over, there will be pent-up demand for vacations and escape. Take advantage of all the resources you have available, and be ready for when that time comes. We will continue to thrive.




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