36 | Hiring A Co-Host + Sharing Your Vacation Rental with the World | with Jennifer and Jamey Ratcliff

Oct 30, 2019


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Jennifer and Jamey Ratcliff are an incredible couple — and an incredible couple of entrepreneurs in the Columbus area! They own a local restaurant, Arch & Eddie’s, and a local brewery, Sixth Sense, in addition to an adorable condo that they rent out using Airbnb.

But, with three businesses, Jennifer and Jamey are obviously really busy! That’s why they wanted to hire a co-host to turn their vacation getaway into a thriving Airbnb business, and they ultimately landed on Sarah. We get a lot of questions about what it means to be a co-host, so today we’re going to dig into what that partnership looks like, from both sides, and what Jennifer and Jamey were looking for when they were hiring.




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