33 | Do I Need an Instagram or Facebook Account For My Airbnb or Short-Term Rental? | with Kelly Rauch of Local Anywhere

Oct 09, 2019


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We met today’s guest, Kelly Rauch, at our most recent local Airbnb meetup — so, let that be a lesson to you: go to your local meetups, or if one doesn’t exist, start one. You can meet some really cool people there... and then, a week or two later, you might even be on their podcast!

Kelly is a marketing expert who just blew us away when she told us how she used social media to launch a new high-end rental in Mexico, and how she’s been getting repeat guests to up their occupancy rate and bring in more income. These are FREE tools that can completely transform your short-term rental business — so if you aren’t taking advantage of social media marketing yet, take good notes and get ready to blow up your business and brand!

Want to see what’s working for other people? Check out some of these popular Airbnb influencers: @flippinwendy, @thebeachlodge, @thegranvillebarn, @theboxhop.





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