239. Not Leaving These 5 Tools for Your Airbnb Guests Could Cost You Big-Time

Mar 23, 2023

Today we’re sharing five basic but essential cleaning tools that need to be available to not only your cleaning team, but to your guests. We chose these items because they are sneaky ones that we sometimes don’t see in properties, but highly recommend.

Most of these items only need to be purchased once, and don’t cost a ton of money. Think of them as investments in your property that will help your guest and allow them to keep your asset clean. There are ways to keep them out of sight of the guest if they don’t ever need to deal with them as well. And of course, if you've got any of these items that you love, let us know and we will share it with the masses so everyone can learn from you.

Remember, just because someone hasn’t mentioned it doesn't mean that they didn't think about it or want or need it during their stay. As always, learn from our mistakes!


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