229. Investing for Financial Independence and Empowerment

Feb 16, 2023

Delyanne Barros is an investing coach and the founder of Delyanne The Money Coach LLC. Growing up poor and as a Brazilian-born immigrant, she believed that money was something extremely difficult to earn, manage, and grow. After paying off $150k in student loan debt and becoming a millionaire she now shares her knowledge with over 500K followers across all her social media platforms. Her signature program, Slay the Stock Market, teaches new investors how to become financially independent and retire early and has over 6,000 students enrolled. She has been named one of the most influential voices of money by Time and she was also the host of Diversifying, the first personal finance podcast produced by CNN.

We’re going rogue today and for once, not talking about real estate. But Delyanne’s tactics for investing in the stock market make a perfect pair for real estate investors and Airbnb owners who are looking to either grow their portfolios, or put their profits to work and prepare for retirement. Delyanne focuses on index funds, and today she talks about all sides of investing in the stock market: why we were never taught this in school, scare tactics and complicated language to deter the average investor, and why you should think carefully about hiring a financial planner.



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