164. Getting Scrappy to Start Investing in Real Estate with Dr. Erin Hudson

May 19, 2022

One of the most frequent questions we get asked is "How do I even begin to think about buying my own STR if I don't have enough capital for a down payment?!" In this week's episode, our guest, Dr. Erin Hudson shares how she got scrappy when she decided to invest out of state with zero investing experience. If you're looking to get inspired this is the podcast episode for you!

Dr. Erin Hudson went from being in private practice to moving into single-family investment properties, short-term rentals, and then jumped into the multifamily space and is making big waves! She is one of five founding partners of Quattro Capital, which is an equity real estate firm that buys apartments ranging from 30 units to 250 units. Erin is also a licensed financial professional and helps others create their own family bank to fund their real estate transactions. She is on a mission to help women kick fear to the curb and step out in courage.

We discuss how she got started in the early stages of investing, finding the grit and determination needed to be successful no matter the cost, and getting resourceful with what you have in order to get started.


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