16 | Keep it Tidy: Laundry, Cleaning Supplies, & Residential Vs. Short-Term Cleaners | with Chris Carlone

May 23, 2019


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Today we’re talking to Chris Carlone from TidyHost, an automated housekeeping solution exclusively for short-term rentals. We’ve talked about it on the show before, but keeping your rental spaces clean is a non-negotiable – no exceptions!

So, whether you’re trying to outsource your cleaning and turnover or you’re DIYing everything, Chris has some great advice for getting all of the laundry done, what cleaning supplies you should use and keep the house stocked with, why you need to stage your space before every guest, training new cleaners if you do outsource, and the critical difference between residential and short-term cleaners.




Are you ready to open up your first short-term rental? 
We are so excited for you, and we want to help you share your space and live your dream!! That’s why we’re sharing our eBook, 7 Steps to Your First Guest, with you. Just head over to https://www.thanksforvisiting.me/ to get your FREE book!


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