122. Going All In on Short-Term Rentals with A-Frame Ranch Owner Callie Witcher

Jul 29, 2021

Some people like to dip their toes into the short-term rental world. Others, like today’s guest, go all in from the beginning, despite having no background in the market.

Callie Witcher is a Superhost from Fredericksburg, TX in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, where she has been hosting for one and a half years with her husband, Dan. Building three short-term rentals from the ground up has allowed them (and their two littles) to shift to a lifestyle with more flexibility. She loves getting to share the cabins they’ve created with guests and help them make the most of the local area.

She shares why short-term rentals were right for her family, why they decided on Fredericksburg as the place to host, and how she manages to find balance and handle the stress of it all.




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