112. How FemmeBnb Helps Women Travel Safe & Comfortably with Yaa Birago

May 13, 2021

Solo travel is a rising trend, but it can be dangerous — especially for women.

Yaa Birago is a tech entrepreneur, philanthropist, mentor, and the co-founder and CEO of FemmeBnb, the first social networking vacation and STR platform for women, by women. FemmeBnb allows women to rent their spaces to other women in the hopes of maximizing safety, peace-of-mind, and comfort. It also provides users with an AI-powered travel companion, to help plan their trip from start to finish.

We discuss how FemmeBnb brought the idea of creating a secure space for women that alleviates travel-anxieties to fruition, and the company’s pay-it-forward initiative which provides menstrual products to girls in Africa in an effort to help eradicate poverty.




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